Today I do update the JavaScript syntax script for VIM to 0.7.2.
Until now PRC 2007.01.30-21:37 my script got:
Rating 332/99, Downloaded by 1684
I do like more feature, but I like the accuracy much more. :D
Without the context based parser, it can't highlight the JavaScript properly.
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4 条评论:
i am partial to your 'JAVASCRIPT.VIM' to Me
i wonder where publish it for vim version7 ???
sorry my english skill ^^
youn jisu FROM S.KOREA
small bug report for your 0.7.5 syntax script, as i didn't see a blog entry for that version.
it seems that whenever you have two division symbols on the same line, the script thinks it's a regex. e.g. Math.pow(a/2,b/2) will highlight /2,b/ incorrectly. also happens with a / symbol and a // comment on the same line.
i'd try to fix it myself but i don't know vim syntax scripting very well.
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