
Using :vimgrep inside VIM

Grep is really power tool under the UNIX domain. From Vim 7, an internal `grep` was provided by Vim.

Using `:vimgrep` is fairly easy, just in command mode, type in
:vim[grep][!] /{pattern}/[g][j] {file} ...
The `grep` result will be put into the `quickfix` list. The `:cnext`, and `:cprevious` can be used to navigate the `quickfix` list.

Let's do something to help us! Put this into your ~/.vimrc file.
" We can navigate the list by using the  and 
map <F3> :cnext
map <S-F3> :cprevious

After that, you will be able to use the <F3> and <shift>-<F3> navigate the `quickfix` list easily. :D


Tip for trouble shooting the VIM syntax highlight

It is easy to do a VIM syntax highlight file, while it is a little difficult for you to do the trouble shooting, especially when you do a recursive pattern match with `contains`, `nextgroup` keywords.

Here is a small tip can help you a little bit.

put this into your ".vimrc" file

" display the syntax name under the cursor
map <F12> :echo synIDattr(synIDtrans(synID(line("."), col("."), 1)), "name")

For the next time, when you met some syntax highlight error, you can key in <F12> at the error place, VIM will tell you "what kind syntax ID that it is thing under the given position".

Keep fun! :)

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