- Fully understand the situation, and know the 5 W's:
"Who, What, Where, When, and Why". - KISS: Keep It Simple and Stupid
- Write agenda before you start
- Keep the technical integrity
- Add reference links for all the shared knowledge
- Use diagram to show the complex logical
- Use table to show the structured information
- Compare the different design alternatives
- Use bulletin and numbered list to express the idea
- Write a good looking document
- Have a good template
- Use named style to control the format
- Always do spelling/grammar check
- Tidy your documentation
- Ask for comments from others
- Track changes between the reversions
- Write long sentence or paragraph
- Be afraid to delete some pieces
- Be afraid to reconstruct sections
- Be afraid to spend more time
- Ask for others' help, and help others
- Eats your own dog food
Read it once more when you feel it were finished