Google Android 对于Google这种依靠高增长率赚钱的公司,如何保持高的增长率是很关键的,Android对于Google来说是开拓新的增长点,这跟当年Microsoft进入报表生成软件领域是一个道理。进入这样的领域所花费的投资,对于Google而言绝对可以忽略,效果则是明显的,就算失败了也不会有什么损失。当然了这次Google跳得有点儿远~~~ 当然了,Google 只用了一年多的时间就能做成这样确实还是很强悍的,虽然大多数东西都是基于已有的技术开发~~~
Google Chrome的感觉有些奇怪,浏览器领域在此之前基本已经尘埃落定,IE保持老大地位,firefox作为老而保持sexy的形象,老三大量的IE内核的克隆产品,然后是Opera以及Safari。从本质上来说,Google应该是不关心浏览器的,但是Microsoft开始进入Google的领域,说实话,谁都要提防Microsoft自说字画的搞乱浏览器市场。Google培育Mozilla就是这样的目的,可以说只要Mozilla没有走到绝对优势的地位,Google就不会停止对Mozilla的支持。当然了这次Google自己赤膊上阵恐怕也抱着同样的目的,那就是:在浏览器市场纠缠Microsoft,增加话语权,同时让Microsoft走到W3C的标准圈子内,不论是Microsoft的Silverlight,还是Adobe的Flash/Flex/Air。 对Google来说,都不是他想看到的,对于Google这种Internet信息服务提供者来说,最好在客户端领域是群雄争霸,决不能一枝独秀。另一方面Chrome真正目的应该是成为Google的桌面应用平台,看看Chrome强调的JavaScript速度,独立进程管理,哪个都像是在给桌面应用开发作准备。
VIM Tips
I am running in a English version Windows XP in office. The default encoding of the OS is english! While I still want to be able to work with some Chinese document in VIM, how can I make it happen?
That's simple, put this line into your vimrc file
And "Bitstream Vera Sans Mono" to be used for ANSI characters.
Indeed this option can be set locally for each individual files by using the VIM modeline
VIM is fantastic cool~~~
That's simple, put this line into your vimrc file
set guifont=Bitstream\ Vera\ Sans\ Mono:h10:cANSIVIM will be using NSimSun to display the Chinese characters. :)
set guifontwide=NSimSun:h11:cGB2312
And "Bitstream Vera Sans Mono" to be used for ANSI characters.
Indeed this option can be set locally for each individual files by using the VIM modeline
vim:ts=4:sw=4:expandtab:enc=utf8All the VIM option can be changed locally. Don't forget to put this modeline into the comments :D
VIM is fantastic cool~~~
强力推荐JavaScript 高级教程
超级牛人 John Resig (在 工作,jQuery的作者) 捉刀制作!!! Web 开发必读~~~
Learning Advanced JavaScript
1) Our Goal
2) Defining Functions
3) Named Functions
4) Functions as Objects
5) Context
6) Instantiation
7) Flexible Arguments
8) Closures
9) Temporary Scope
10) Function Prototypes
11) Instance Type
12) Inheritance
13) Built-in Prototypes
14) Enforcing Function Context
15) Bonus: Function Length
Learning Advanced JavaScript
1) Our Goal
2) Defining Functions
3) Named Functions
4) Functions as Objects
5) Context
6) Instantiation
7) Flexible Arguments
8) Closures
9) Temporary Scope
10) Function Prototypes
11) Instance Type
12) Inheritance
13) Built-in Prototypes
14) Enforcing Function Context
15) Bonus: Function Length
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