
Java GUI Effectives

Java gets widely usage on Server side, while the client technology is still evolution continuously. Since Java 5.0, more and more interesting GUI feature are added into the JVM. They are:
  • OpenGL-based render pipeline
    As you know, Swing renders all the widgets by itself, that's the reason why some case the Java GUI looks so strange. :) Previously on Microsoft Windows, the DirectDraw and Direct3D was the only choice. But now you can use OpenGL pipeline as well.
    It is disabled by default, but it can enabled by setting
  • Font Anti-Aliasing
    It is an important feature for the font anti-aliasing. Now it is possible for Java application to specify the Font Anti-Aliasing feature by itself with system property:

  • Metal and Nimbus Look and Feel
    Metal (from Java 5.0) and Nimbus (from Java 6.0u10) are available in standard JRE distribution.
Really hope Java could be better and better~~~


C++ vtable

在 C++ 的OO模型中,很重要的一个特性是运行时多态。运行时多态是通过类的虚方法实现的。看下面这个例子:

struct IObject {
  virtual void MethodA() = 0;  
  virtual int  MethodB(char *) = 0;

class A : public IObject {
  virtual void MethodA() {
    std::cout << "method A" << std::endl;

  virtual int MethodB(char *p) {
    std::cout << "method B " << p << std::endl;
    return 0;

  int MethodC(int c) {
    std::cout << "method C non-virtual" << std::endl;
    return ++c;
  int mem_;

int main(int argc, cahr *argv[])
  IObject *pObj = new A;


  // FIXME: This is a compile error!
  pObj->MethodC(1); // error

  delete A;

  return 0;

C++ 运行时多态, 在执行代码中,主要通过 vtable 实现。让我们用C来重新描述上面的例子。

// VTABLE of class IObject
struct I_IObject {
  void *pMethodA(void);
  int  *pMethodB(char *);

// Instance variant type of IObject
struct IObject {
  struct I_IObject *vtable_this;

// VTABLE of class A
struct A;
struct I_A {
  void *pDtor(A*)

// Instance object variant type of class A
struct A {
  struct I_IObject *vtable_IObject;
  struct I_A *vtable_this;

  int *pMethodC(int);
  int mem_;

void A_MethodA (void) {
  printf("method A\n");

int  A_MethodB (char *p) {
  printf("method B %s\n", p);

int  A_MethodC (int c) {
  printf("method C non-virtual\n");
  return ++c;

void A_dtor(struct A *_this) {

struct A *A_ctor() {
  struct A *p = malloc(sizeof(struct A));

  // Non-virtual function will be assign the value directly.
  p.pMethodC = &A_MethodC;

  // vtable initialization code
#ifdef A_MethodA
  p.vtable_IObject->pMethodA = &A_MethodA;
  p.vtable_IObject->pMethodA = &IObject_MethodA; // Warning!

#ifdef A_MethodB
  p.vtable_IObject->pMethodB = &A_MethodB;
  p.vtable_IObject->pMethodB = &IObject_MethodB; // Warning!

  // vtable of A itself
  p.vtable_self->pDtor = &A_dtor;

  return p;

int main(int argc, char *argv[])
  IObject *pObj = (IObject*) A_ctor();



  return 0;

1,如果一个类 virtual function, 这些 virtual funciton 就会被统一在一个 vtable 中;
2,包含 virtual function 的class 都会有一个指向 vtable structure的指针,如果当前类重写了 virtual function, 在对象初始化的时候相应的虚函数指针就会被替换;
4,一个对象多一个包含virtual function的基类,就会在类变量的结构中多引入一个指向父类vtable structure的指针。在类对象初始化的时候,就需要更多的 vtable 初始化代码。:D

多重继承会导致 vtable 膨胀, Microsoft ATL 引入了一个 ATL_NO_VTABLE __declspec(novtable) C++ 扩展。关于这个,下回再说~~~

其实这个例子里面还有一个小问题, 不知道大家能不能看出来啊!


Nortel files for bankruptcy

百年老店终于也挺不住了, NT的问题是积重难返,如果没有本质性的改变,估计会就此消失了。即便能恢复回来,估计也就不剩什么了~~~ :(

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