
Windows Side-by-side Assemblies

From Visual Studio 2005, WinSxS became a mandatory things for Windows application. Especially when you depends on some common DLL components, for example, Common Controls, MS VC CRT, MS GdiPlus. All this need to be specified with the MANIFEST file.
It is a little noisily to generate the MANIFEST manually. So Microsoft do this for you. Indeed, the MANIFEST file was created by `link.exe'. In the C/C++ header file, it is using #pragma instrument to specify the DLL dependency explicitly.

For example MSVCRT: it is specified by 'crtdefs.h' and 'crtassem.h'.
Inside crtdefs.h, it defines the linker comment, like below:

#ifdef _DEBUG
#pragma comment(linker,"/manifestdependency:\"type='win32' "            \
        "name='" __LIBRARIES_ASSEMBLY_NAME_PREFIX ".DebugCRT' "         \
        "version='" _CRT_ASSEMBLY_VERSION "' "                          \
        "processorArchitecture='x86' "                                  \
        "publicKeyToken='" _VC_ASSEMBLY_PUBLICKEYTOKEN "'\"")
#pragma comment(linker,"/manifestdependency:\"type='win32' "            \
        "name='" __LIBRARIES_ASSEMBLY_NAME_PREFIX ".CRT' "              \
        "version='" _CRT_ASSEMBLY_VERSION "' "                          \
        "processorArchitecture='x86' "                                  \
        "publicKeyToken='" _VC_ASSEMBLY_PUBLICKEYTOKEN "'\"")

and all the variants, e.g. __LIBRARIES_ASSEMBLY_NAME_PREFIX, __VCASSEMBLY_PUBLICKEYTOKEN, were defined inside `crtassem.h'.


Perl regular expression tip: return all the matched things

Perl的正则表达式异常强悍,介绍一个不太引人注意但是又非常有用的功能:那就是返回所有匹配到的内容:“使用 //g 匹配”。 这时 $var =~ /regex/g 将会返回一个array,里面有所有匹配到的内容。如果在正则表达式中定义了group,就返回所有的groups;如果没有定义group,就返回所有匹配到的内容。
In list context, //g returns a list of matched groupings, or if there are no groupings, a list of matches to the whole regexp. So if we wanted just the words, we could use

        @words = ($x =~ /(\w+)/g);  # matches,
                                    # $word[0] = 'cat'
                                    # $word[1] = 'dog'
                                    # $word[2] = 'house'
需要注意,需要在一个 list context。说简单一点,就像上面的例子做就好。把匹配的结果赋值给一个array。

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