It is a little noisily to generate the MANIFEST manually. So Microsoft do this for you. Indeed, the MANIFEST file was created by `link.exe'. In the C/C++ header file, it is using #pragma instrument to specify the DLL dependency explicitly.
For example MSVCRT: it is specified by 'crtdefs.h' and 'crtassem.h'.
Inside crtdefs.h, it defines the linker comment, like below:
#ifdef _DEBUG
#pragma comment(linker,"/manifestdependency:\"type='win32' " \
"version='" _CRT_ASSEMBLY_VERSION "' " \
"processorArchitecture='x86' " \
"publicKeyToken='" _VC_ASSEMBLY_PUBLICKEYTOKEN "'\"")
#pragma comment(linker,"/manifestdependency:\"type='win32' " \
"version='" _CRT_ASSEMBLY_VERSION "' " \
"processorArchitecture='x86' " \
"publicKeyToken='" _VC_ASSEMBLY_PUBLICKEYTOKEN "'\"")
and all the variants, e.g. __LIBRARIES_ASSEMBLY_NAME_PREFIX, __VCASSEMBLY_PUBLICKEYTOKEN, were defined inside `crtassem.h'.
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