
最简化的Nmake Makefile

!include <win32.mak>

## Link with MSVCRT and MSVCP
# cl -nologo -MD -W3 -O1y -EHsc -I. $**

cl -nologo -W3 -O1y -EHsc -I. $**

del /q /f *.exe *.obj


## GNU Makefile with MinGW/MSYS
## MinGW 下面简化的Makefile 需要 MSYS
## It can be invoked like `mingw32-make hello.exe`
## This will compile the hello.cpp to hello.exe


## 没有下面这条指令, 后缀通配指令不能识别 .cpp.exe

g++ -Wall $(CXXFLAGS) -o $@ $<

.PHONY : clean
rm -f *.exe *.obj *.o



算起来到这里已经一年多了, 中间断断续续当然了也包括一些可观的原因,一共也没有放多少东西上来。



"Hello World" XUL application with XULRunner

Today, I do spend some hours with the XULRunner -- a Mozilla runtime package which can be used to bootstrap XUL+XPCOM applications that are as rich as Firefox and Thunderbird. I will create a "Hello World" XUL application step by step, just to remind myself. I will be very glad if it is also helpful for you. :)
今天,闲暇无事,花了几个小时玩耍了一下 XULRunner -- 一个 Mozill 运行库,以及 XUL+XPCOM 应用程序的启动器,利用它可以构建 Firefox 和 Thunderbird 一样的应用程序。我用它写了一个简单的 "Hello World" XUL 应用程序,在这里我把程序创建的过程一步一步地记录下来,主要是对自己的学习做一个笔记。希望它也能对其他人有所帮助。

About XULRunner

XULRunner is a Mozilla runtime package that can be used to bootstrap XUL+XPCOM applications that are as rich as Firefox and Thunderbird. It will provide mechanisms for installing, upgrading, and uninstalling these applications. XULRunner will also provide libxul, a solution which allows the embedding of Mozilla technologies in other projects and products. [Ref: http://developer.mozilla.org/en/docs/XULRunner]
Main features
  • Networking
  • Gecko rendering engine
  • DOM editing and transaction support (no UI)
  • Cryptography
  • XBL (XBL2 planned)
  • XUL
  • SVG
  • XSLT
  • XML Extras (XMLHttpRequest, DOMParser, etc.)
  • Web Services (SOAP)
  • Auto-update support (not yet complete)
  • Type ahead find toolbar
  • History implementation (the places implementation in the 1.9 cycle)
  • Accessibility support
  • IPC services for communication between gecko-based apps (not yet complete)
  • Storage/sqlite interfaces (not yet turned on by default)


For current 1.8.0.x release, XULRunner only available in ZIP format, you can download it and unzip at any place you want.
Refer: http://developer.mozilla.org/en/docs/XULRunner:Deploying_XULRunner_1.8

Skeletons of a XUL Application

I name my "Hello World" application as HelloWorldApp or helloworldapp,

- app files ...
All the folders/files are necessary for a XUL application, "app files..." will be variant, it depends on your application itself.

Define the XUL application.ini

This is the application.ini of the helloworldapp:

; This field specifies your organization's name. This field is recommended,
; but optional.
; This field specifies your application's name. This field is required.
; This field specifies your application's version. This field is optional.
; This field specifies your application's build ID (timestamp).
; This field is required.
; This field specifies a compact copyright notice for your application. This
; field is optional.
Copyright=Copyright (c) 2004 Mozilla.org
; This ID is just an example. Every XUL app ought to have it's own unique ID.
; You can use the microsoft "guidgen" or "uuidgen" tools, or go on
; irc.mozilla.org and /msg botbot uuid. This field is optional.

; This field is required. It specifies the minimum Gecko version that this
; application requires.
; This field is optional. It specifies the maximum Gecko version that this
; application requires. It should be specified if your application uses
; unfrozen interfaces.

You must specify the [App] name. It will be used for XULRunner to find the relevant prefs.js .
App::name 必须要指定,因为它将影响 XULRunner 如何读取 prefs.js 。

Define the prefs.js (helloworldapp-prefs.js) / 定义应用程序的 Preferences.

After the application.ini is defined, it is necessary to have a -prefs.js under ${APP_ROOT}/defaults/preferences
Here is the helloworldapp-prefs.js
定义了 application.ini 之后, 下一步就是指定 -prefs.js , 在这里我们的 是 helloworldapp, 因此我们需要在 ${APP_ROOT}/defaults/preferences目录下面建一个 helloworldapp-prefs.js JavaScript 文件,文件的内容如下:
pref("toolkit.defaultChromeURI", "chrome://helloworldapp/content/helloworld.xul");
pref("general.useragent.extra.helloworldapp", "HelloWorld/0.1");
It define "toolkit.defaultChromeURI" to "chrome://helloworldapp/content/helloworld.xul" .
其中最主要的部分就是定义了,"toolkit.defaultChromeURI" , 它就是 XUL 程序的缺省启动页面。

Setting up chrome.manifest / 设定 chrome.manifest

This file performs the mapping between a chrome:// url and your application files:

这个文件主要用来实现 XUL 程序中使用的 chrome:// scheme 和你自己编写的应用程序文件的对应。

This is the chrome.manifest of "Hello World" application.

Hello World 程序的 chrome.manifest 文件的内容如下:

content helloworldapp file:helloworldapp/
This institution tells XULRunner to look at ${APP_ROOT}/chrome/hellowworldapp/ when it encounters a chrome://helloworldapp/content/ URI. The change of the application name and folder name will impact the URI looking up of XULRunner.
通过这个指令,我们告诉 XULRunner,当程序中 URI 为 chrome:://helloworldapp/content/ 的时候,就到 ${APP_ROOT}/chrome/hellowworldapp/ -- 应用程序的chrome目录下面的helloworldapp 目录下面去寻找相应的文件。 我们也可以相应的改变 上面的语句中的 application name 以及目录的名字,但是这个改变将影响 XULRunner 如何解释以 chrome:// 为类型的 URI 的定位。 进一步的内容可以参考 ITArt 同志的Blog http://itart.wordpress.com/2005/12/05/mozext-ch3/ 第3.6章。

Chromes / 全金属外壳

To make it easy for the development, we are using the plain folder/files for the chrome.
为了方便进行开发和调试,在这直接使用文件和目录来保存 chrome 文件。

Most XUL applications are distributed as a .jar file, rather than a subfolder of chrome/ with all the files scattered about. When you do want to deploy it as a jar:

  1. Zip up your /chrome/applicationName folder, put the applicationName.zip in the /chrome directory.
  2. Rename applicationName.zip to applicationName.jar
  3. Change the chrome.manifest to point to applicationName.jar:
    content applicationName jar:applicationName.jar!/
The "jar:" protocol tells XULRunner that this is a jar file. With "jar:filename.jar!/uri/folder/", XULRunner will look for the resource under the give folder "/uri/folder/" in the JAR file.
"jar:" 协议,用来通知 XULRunner 所需要要得资源文件都被包裹在 JAR 文件中。"jar:filename.jar!/uri/folder/" 为 XULRunner 指名相应的资源需要去 filename.jar 文件的 /uri/folder/ 目录下面寻找。

Build the GUI with XUL / 使用XUL来构建 GUI

In the perfs.js, the toolkit.defaultChromeURI was defined as "chrome://helloworldapp/content/helloworld.xul", it will be the default GUI of this Hello World application.
在 perfs.js 中, 我们将 toolkit.defaultChromeURI 定义为 "chrome://helloworldapp/content/helloworld.xul", 它就是我们这个Hello World 应用程序的缺省 GUI.

The XULRunner looks up the URI -- "chrome://helloworldapp/content/helloworld.xul" at the ${APP_ROOT}/chrome/helloworld/helloworld.xul . So helloworld.xul will be the main GUI file.
对于 URI -- "chrome://helloworldapp/content/helloworld.xul", XULRunner 将会翻译成 ${APP_ROOT}/chrome/helloworld/helloworld.xul 并且试图使用这个XUL文件作为主 GUI 文件。

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<?xml-stylesheet href="chrome://global/skin/" type="text/css"?>

id = "helloworldapp"
title = "Hello World!"
width = "300" height = "200"
xmlns = "http://www.mozilla.org/keymaster/gatekeeper/there.is.only.xul">
<button label="Hello World" onclick="window.alert('Hello World!');"/>
This is a very simple XUL file which defined a frame window, and there is only a button on it. When the button is clicked, there will be a prompt alert. It just works like HTML.

Ready and Go / 预备跑

Ok, it is time to go. Open a Command Processor window, cd into the ${APP_ROOT}, assuming the ${APP_ROOT} is "HelloWorld", and it is located within the XULRunner's folder, for me, the XULRunner is installed at "e:\devel\xulrunner". We can launch the Hello World application in this way.
好了,该出发了! 请打开一个命令行窗口,并且进入 XULRunner的安装目录, 比如说 XULRunner 被安装在 e:\devel\xulrunner ,HelloWorld应用程序的目录就在 XULRunner的安装目录中。我们就可以按照下面的命令来运行 HelloWorld。
e:\devel\xulrunner>xulrunner.exe HelloWorld\application.ini 
in other words:
${XULRUNNER_HOME}\xulrunner.exe ${APP_ROOT}\application.ini
当然也可以使用上面的方法来运行,这里 ${XULRUNNER_HOME} 和 ${APP_ROOT} 应该被替换成她们实际的全路径名。

We got it, isn't it?

Have Fun~~~


FireFox 2 发布了!


不过看起来,FireFox 用的内存越来越多了, :( 只打开了, Blogger一个网页就已经用了60M多内存了. 加内存吧~~~~


802.1X is working under my Ubuntu Linux

Finally the my Ubuntu linux is authenticated with the Windows IAS 802.1x RADIUS server. Thanks Xsupplicant, thanks Open1x project to provide us a such great too.
今天, 我的 Ubuntu Linux 终于可以通过公司的 802.1X 端口认证了。非常感谢 Xsupplicant, 感谢 Open1X 小组为我们提供的工具。

Before configure your Linux box, you should be look at your windows configuration carefully. In fact M$ windows didn't support too much authentication methods. For Windows 2000 with the Wireless authentication patch, it do only support 3 type of EAP, (PEAP, MD5-Challenge, and Smart-card or Certificate). The MD5-Challenge is too weak, and the smart-card isn't deployed widely. So the PEAP is the proper, maybe only choice for Windows.
在开始配置你的 Linux 前,我们需要仔细察看 Windows 中802.1X的协议设置。实际上,在 Window 系统中,对以太网卡并不支持很多的认证方法。对于应用了微软无线认证补丁的 Windows 2000 中只支持三种 EAP 方法(PEAP, MD5-Challenge, and Smart-card or Certificate)。实际上基于 MD5 的认证方式实在是太脆弱了,而 Smart-Card 的应用实际上也不广泛。因此 PEAP 实际上是可以使用的唯一选择。

Under the Linux, there are some tricks for the Xsupplicant configurations. See the sample PEAP-example.conf below:

# This is an example configuration file for xsupplicant versions after 0.8b.


# network_list: defines all of the networks in this file which
# should be kept in memory and used.Comma delimited list or "all"
# for keeping all defined configurations in memory. For efficiency,
# keep only the networks you might roam to in memory.
# To avoid errors, make sure your default network is always
# in the network_list. In general, you will want to leave this set to
# "all".

network_list = all
#network_list = default, test1, test2

# default_netname: some users may actually have a network named "default".
# since "default" is a keyword in the network section below, you can
# change which is to be used as the replacement for this keyword

default_netname = default
#default_netname = my_defaults

# When running in daemon, or non-foreground mode, you may want to have the
# output of the program. So, define a log file here. Each time XSupplicant
# is started, this file will be replaced. So, there is no need to roll the
# log file.
logfile = /var/log/xsupplicant.log

# The auth_period, held_period, and max_starts modify the timers in the state
# machine. (Please reference the 802.1x spec for info on how they are used.)
# For most people, there is no reason to define these values, as the defaults
# should work.

#auth_period = 30
#held_period = 30
#max_starts = 3

# The general format of the network section is a network name followed
# by a group of variables.

# Network names may contain the following characters: a-z, A-Z, 0-9, '-',
# '_', '\', '/'
# Those interested in having an SSID with ANY character in it can use
# the ssid tag within the network clause. Otherwise, your ssid will
# be the name of the network.

## The default network is not a network itself. These values are
## the default used for any network parameters not overridden
## in another section. If it's not in your network configuration
## and not in your default, it won't work!!

# type: the type of this network. wired or wireless, if this value is not
# set, xsupplicant will attempt to determine if the interface is wired or
# wireless. In general, you should only need to define this when
# xsupplicant incorrectly identifies your network interface.
type = wire # For your Ethernet card.

# wireless_control: If this profile is forced to wired, this will not do
# anything. However, if the interface is forced, or detected to be wireless
# XSupplicant will take control of re/setting WEP keys when the machine
# first starts, and when it jumps to a different AP. In general, you won't
# need to define, or set this value.
# wireless_control = yes

# allow_types: describes which EAP types this network will allow. The
# first type listed will be requested if the server tries to use something
# not in this list.
# allow_types = eap_tls, eap_md5, eap_gtc, eap-otp
allow_types = all

# identity: what to respond with when presented with an EAP Id Request
# Typically, this is the username for this network. If this is a string
# that does not contain any spaces, or unusual characters, it can be listed
# plain. Otherwise, it should be enclosed in quotes.
identity = "DOMAIN\USERID" # For window based 802.1X RADIUS, it should be DOMAIN\USER

# Force xsupplicant to send it's packets to this destination MAC address.
# In most cases, this isn't needed, and shouldn't be defined.
#dest_mac = 00:aA:bB:cC:dD:eE

eap-peap {
inner_id = USERID # Only UserID
# As in tls, define either a root certificate or a directory
# containing root certificates. If the path contains spaces, or unusual
# characters, enclose it in quotes.

# Trusted root cert can be exported from windows
# as DER format, and translate to PEM format by using openssl
# under Linux:
# openssl x509 -inform DER .cer -outform PEM -out root.crt
root_cert = /path/to/root/certificate
root_dir = "/path /to /root /certificate /dir"
crl_dir = /path/to/dir/with/crl
chunk_size = 1398
random_file = /dev/random # /dev/random will work for most case.

# If you don't know the CN name of your RADIUS server,
# You can make the cnexact = no
# While the RADIUS server name can be saw in "Xsupplicant -d A" mode
cncheck = myradius.radius.com
cnexact = yes # Should it be an exact match?
session_resume = yes

#Currently 'all' is just mschapv2
#If no allow_types is defined, all is assumed
allow_types = all # where all = MSCHAPv2, MD5, OTP, GTC, SIM
#allow_types = eap_mschapv2

eap-mschapv2 {
# ntpwdhash was generated by using "xsup_ntpwdhash " command
ntpwdhash = E653E6452753C97E46792567DFF599B6
# Don't put your password here, use the ntpwdhash instead.
#password = "phase2 mschapv2 pass"

# TIP:
# 1. Use the foregroup mode to debug your configure.
# It will show you all the things.
# /usr/sbin/xsupplicant -i eth0 -d A -f
# 2. Remove all the unnecessary data cleaned


802.1X under Linux

The IS department reqired the 802.1X port authentication in the new campus, it really hurt me -- as a Linux fun. After I swithed to my Ubuntu, the network port will be blocked after 30 minutes.

Oh, I found the xsupplicant of Open1X project, it looks like a feasible way to have my Linux box running under the company's 802.1X network.

But there are still some problems need to be solved. Let's do it tomorrow. :) ...

keepend instruction in VIM syntax file

In the VIM "syntax region" instruction, there is a special parameter "keepend". In the VIM tutorial, the given sample is a inline comments. Somehow it give me a misleading that the *keepend* will be only used to match the end of line '$'. While it's totally wrong. :(
在VIM的 "syntax region" 语法中,支持一个特殊的 "keepend" 参数。 在 VIM 的介绍中, 对 keepend 用法的介绍是通过一个行内注释,以及可以在注释内出现的语法来讲解的。因此我已开始对 keepend 的用法也产生了错觉,认为它就是用来匹配行尾 "$" 的。但是实际上,这样的认识是完全错误的。

Let's take a look at this example.

syntax region xDocLink start="{" end="}" contained
syntax region xDocComment start="/\*\*" end="\*/"
\ contains=xDocLink

syntax region xBlock start="{" end="}"
\ contains=xDocComment keepend

if the "keepend" is defined in xBlock, the follows messge will be highlighted in wrong way.

* The comments {@links}

The xBlock will be terminated at the "}" inside the xDocComment. Even the the first "{" are matched as xDocLink, the "}" is still consided as the end of xBlock. It is the side effect of "keepend" instruction of xBlock.

The really meanings of "keepend" is to match the end of region, even it has already matched with its nested regions, whatever what's the pattern of end, in most case, it is "$", but it can be anything there.
其实 "keepend" 语句的实际意义是:尽可能匹配 region 所指定的 end pattern, 即便 这个pattern实际上已经被它的内联region所匹配了。这里的 keepend 实际上是指 end pattern,而不管这个 pattern 到底是什么,尽管大多数时候它都是 "$"。

Search pattern in VIM

The search pattern of VIM is little different with Perl. There is one thing I igonred at the beginning, and it made me confused for a long time. That is the group pattern can't be used inside the "[]"

In http://vimdoc.sourceforge.net/htmldoc/usr_27.html#27.6
 item matches   equivalent 
\d digit [0-9]
\D non-digit [^0-9]
\x hex digit [0-9a-fA-F]
\X non-hex digit [^0-9a-fA-F]
\s white space [ ] ( and )
\S non-white characters [^ ] (not and )
\l lowercase alpha [a-z]
\L non-lowercase alpha [^a-z]
\u uppercase alpha [A-Z]
\U non-uppercase alpha [^A-Z]
Using this predefined ranges works a lot faster than the character range it stands for.
But they can't be used inside the "[]" .



VIM JavaScript syntax updated to 0.6

We have been there 0.5.1 for some monthes. Today, we will move to 0.6 :) The mainly changed part is JSDoc introduction.

The syntax file has been downloaded by 1019, it's rating 256/77 at 2006-10-17.
It is the 4th rated syntax file at VIM site. Please vote me, if it is helpful :)

I hope it can come into the offical VIM package in the near later.

VIM 参考手册 (中文版)

网络上面勤劳的同志好多啊!居然看到了中文翻译版本的 VIM 参考手册,而且还是最新的 7.0 版本,本来曾经有念头作这个事情的,已经被人先行一步了。



VIM syntax for JavaScript

This is my first VIM syntax file. Personaly, I think it is better than the Javascript syntax packaged with the VIMRUNTIME packages. Original version from Claudio Fleiner.
这是我制作的第一个 VIM syntax 文件, 其实也是在 Claudio Fleiner 原有的版本上改进而来的。自我感觉这个 syntax 比 VIM 发行版中自带的要好。:D 是不是有点自我吹捧了 xixi

It supports these lexcial elements in JavaScript: 可以识别的 JavaScript 语法类型:
  • String in "" or '';
  • Regex string
  • Number
  • Code comments in C/C++ style
  • TODO FIXME XXX TBD hightlight in the comments
  • JavaScript keywords
  • Global Ojbects: Array Boolean Date Error Function java JavaArray JavaClass JavaObject JavaPackage Math netscape Number Object Packages RegExp String
  • Bracket matches, including '{} [] ()'


Google Docs & Spreadsheets

Google Docs & Spreadsheets

如果再能集成到桌面就好了。 也许这个功能已经集成在了 GDS 中,
但是 Google Desktop Search 现在实在是有点沉重,不符合我的口味了 :(


BlockChain 相关电子书

@copyright of Sam Chadwick   - https://thehub.thomsonreuters.com/groups/bitcoin/blog/2017/09/10/blockchain-paper Blockchain Papers A c...