
Mapping remote TCP port to local via HTTPS Proxy


功能:把远端的应用服务端口通过HTTPS代理服务器映射成本地端口。这对于那些不支持HTTPS代理的TCP应用还有点儿小用处! :D

#!/usr/bin/env perl
# Use remote HTTPS PROXY to tunnel the remote service to local!
# Author: Yi Zhao
#   Blog: linuxyz.blogspot.com
# Based on original "ssltunnel.pl" by Alex Hornby <alex@hornby.org.uk>
# $Id: ssltunnel.pl,v 1.17 2003/06/10 14:54:16 alex Exp $
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.

package httpsproxy;

use strict;
my $VERSION=1.0;

use IO::File;
use IO::Select;
use IO::Socket;
use Net::SSL;
use Getopt::Long;
use MIME::Base64;

my %options = (

sub usage
    print STDERR <<EOF;
usage: perl httpsproxy.pl [options] [remote-host:port]
Tunnels a TCP/IP connection through an http proxy using SSL.

WARNING: Only use this if you have the proxy administrator\'s permission
WARNING: The authors of this package offer no warranty

    --help                        This help
    --proxyhost           Mandatory proxy host port (default 443)
    --proxyport 443               Optional proxy host port (default 443)
    --proxyuser <username>        Optional proxy user name
    --proxypasswd pass            Optional proxy pass word
    --useragent agent             Optional user agent name
    --reproxyhost         Optional intermediate http proxy host
    --reproxyport 123             Optional intermediate http proxy host port (default 8080)
    --reproxyuser <username>      Optional intermediate http proxy user name
    --reproxypasswd pass          Optional intermediate http proxy pass word
    --localaddr           Optional local addr to listen on (default
    --localport 123               Optional local port to listen on (default 8080)

e.g. To run a local http proxy to the remote HTTPS proxy

./httpsproxy.pl --proxyhost \
  --proxyport 443 --localport 80  www.abc.com:80


# Parse command line arguments
sub parseArgs
    GetOptions(\%options, qw/dumpfile=s
                   proxyhost=s proxyport=i proxyuser=s proxypasswd=s useragent=s
                   reproxyhost=s reproxyport=i reproxyuser=s reproxypasswd=s reuseragent=s
                   localaddr=s localport=i
                   debug! help!
                   log-file=s pidfile=s/);

    if ( $options{help} ) {

    for (@ARGV) {
        if (m/^([^:]*):(.*)$/) {
            $options{desthost} = $1;
            $options{destport} = int($2) || getservbyname($2, 'tcp') || die "unknown port";
            print "Mapping $options{desthost}:$options{destport} as $options{localaddr}:$options{localport}\n";
    if ( !defined($options{proxyhost}) ) {
        print STDERR "error: You must give a proxyhost\n";

# This is really inefficient, but we only use it for reading the proxy response
# so that does not really matter.
sub xgetline($)
    my $proxy = shift;
    my $val="";
    my $buf;
    do {
        $proxy->read($buf, 1);
        $val .= $buf;
    } until ($buf eq "\n");


sub httpProxy
    my ( $proxy, $desthost, $destport, $proxyuser, $proxypasswd ) = @_;
    # Force flushing of socket buffers

    # The actual connect
    $proxy->print("CONNECT " .  $desthost . ":" .
                      $destport . " HTTP/1.0\r\n");
    if ( $options{debug} ) {
        print STDERR "CONNECT " .  $desthost . ":" .
                      $destport . " HTTP/1.0\n";

    # Basic auth if needed
    if ( $proxyuser ) {
        my $auth = encode_base64(
            $proxyuser . ":" . $proxypasswd);
        $proxy->print("Proxy-authorization: Basic $auth\r\n");
        if ( $options{debug} ) {
            print STDERR "Proxy-authorization: Basic $auth"

    # User agent name if needed
    if ( $options{useragent} ) {
        $proxy->print("User-Agent: " . $options{useragent} . "\r\n");
        if ( $options{debug} ) {
            print STDERR "User-Agent: " . $options{useragent} . "\n";

    # end of headers

    my $status;

    # Wait for HTTP status code, bail out if you don't get back a 2xx code.
    #$_ = $proxy->getline();
    #$_ = $proxy->getchunk();
    $_ = xgetline($proxy);
    next if /^[\r]*$/;
    ($status) = (split())[1];
    die("Received a bad status code \"$status\" from proxy server\n$_")
        if ( int($status/100) != 2 );

    while($_ = xgetline($proxy)) {
        chomp;   # Strip <LF>
        last if /^[\r]*$/;                # Empty line or a single <CR> left

        if ( $options{debug} ) {
            print STDERR "Got extra data [$_]\n";

    return $status;

sub connectProxy
    if ( $options{reproxyhost} ) {
        # proxy support
        $ENV{HTTPS_PROXY} = qq(http://$options{reproxyhost}:$options{reproxyport});

        # proxy_basic_auth
        $ENV{HTTPS_PROXY_USERNAME} = $options{reproxyuser} if $options{reproxyuser};
        $ENV{HTTPS_PROXY_PASSWORD} = $options{reproxypass} if $options{reproxypass};

    # debugging (SSL diagnostics)
    $ENV{HTTPS_DEBUG} = $options{debug} ? 1 : 0;
    my $proxy = new Net::SSL (
        PeerAddr => $options{proxyhost},
        PeerPort => $options{proxyport},
        Proto => 'tcp',

    die "Error connecting to proxy host $options{proxyhost} " .
        "port $options{proxyport}: $!\n" unless $proxy;

    # Force flushing of socket buffers

    # only if the remote host are speficied
    httpProxy($proxy, $options{desthost}, $options{destport},
        $options{proxyuser}, $options{proxypasswd} )
    if ( $options{desthost} );

    return $proxy;

sub connectLocal
    my $listen = new IO::Socket::INET (
        Listen=> 5,
        LocalAddr => $options{localaddr},
        LocalPort => $options{localport},
        Proto => 'tcp',
        Reuse => 1,

    die "can't listen on " . $options{localaddr} . ":"
        . $options{localport} unless $listen;

    print STDERR "Accepting network clients on " .
        $options{localaddr} . ":" .$options{localport} . "\n";

    my %client2proxy;
    my %proxy2client;

    my $s = IO::Select->new();

    my $dumpfh;
    if ( $options{dumpfile} ) {
        $dumpfh = new IO::File($options{dumpfile}, "w")
            or die "could not open dump file $_";

    while ( 1 ) {
        my @res = IO::Select::select($s, undef, undef, 3600);
        if ( @res == 0 ) {
            print STDERR "got select error\n";
        my ($read, $write, $error) = @res;

        # Check for disconnect
        for my $fh ( @$error ) {
            print STDERR "socket $fh is in error\n";

        # Process handles ready to read;
        for my $fh ( @$read  ) {

            if ( $fh == $listen ) {
                my $client = $listen->accept();
                my $proxy = connectProxy();
                print STDERR "New connection from " . $client->peerhost() . "\n";
                $client2proxy{$client} = $proxy;
                $proxy2client{$proxy} = $client;
            } else {
                my $destfh;
                my $isclient = 0;
                if ( exists( $client2proxy{$fh} ) ) {
                    $destfh = $client2proxy{$fh};
                    $isclient = 1;
                } elsif ( exists( $proxy2client{$fh} ) ) {
                    $destfh = $proxy2client{$fh};

                my $num = sysread($fh, $_, 4096);
                if ( $num) {
                    syswrite($destfh, $_, $num);
                    # Optional dump of traffic
                    if ( $dumpfh ) {
                        if ($isclient) {
                        } else {
                } else {
                    if ( $isclient ) {
                        print STDERR "client disconnected\n";
                    } else {
                        print STDERR "proxy disconnected\n";

                    if(%proxy2client == 0 ) {
                        print STDERR "last client disconnected\n";





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